Common Concrete Rendering Mistakes to Avoid
Common Concrete Rendering Mistakes to Avoid
Concrete rendering is a popular and an essential part of construction for many residential and commercial spaces. It has both functional & aesthetic aspects, and gets more importance in residential construction as different rendering materials will definitely look different in the long run, which isn’t much of a concern in industrial places. However, rendering is still done regularly during construction in industrial spaces to preserve the lifespan of a structure; and may use special ratios of cement, water and silicate materials that make the resulting render have special properties that may be required.
There are various kinds of renders including concrete(the most popular one), acrylic, lime, and even clay among other things. Each one of these renders require a long process of render preparation and application techniques, and there is plenty of space for people to go wrong in the process. Mistakes during the render process can make the render weak, look uneven and therefore not aesthetic and in commercial cases lead to problems with the lifespan of the structure on which it is applied. This article will discuss the most common mistakes during the rendering process, and what to do to prevent those mistakes.
Common concrete rendering mistakes
Following are some major mistakes in the rendering process that one needs to avoid, if one is to avoid future repair work and additional costs. As you will see, avoiding such mistakes also helps the home/commercial space to look aesthetic for a long time.
Lack of surface preparation
Surface preparation is an important part of the rendering process, as dust, debris and even unevenness of the surface can affect the quality of certain rendering materials. In the latter case, surface preparation may involve polishing the surface in addition to just cleaning it with brushes and cleaning solvents. If the surface is not properly prepared, it will lead to the render not binding to it properly, which will lead to cracks, spaces and ultimately the premature failure of the rendered surface/wall.
Wrong mix of materials in the render
The render must be prepared with the careful ratio of cement, sand and water or otherwise other materials like acrylic & lime. The binder to aggregate ratio must especially be taken care of as both excess and insufficient binder will harm the final mix. Temperature conditions can affect the render mix to a large degree, and if the rendering project is large and requires a lot of render, the prepared render mix must be stored appropriately and the work must be completed quickly.
Too much application of sealant
Too much use of sealer during the rendering process can create a sloppy appearance of the final finish as it results in an uneven surface. Sealers provide protection against moisture and staining, but many may overuse them in the rendering process as many people do in the field. A professional will inspect the sealer usage during the process and will also advise the homeowners to avoid applying an extra coat unnecessarily and see whether any chips or leaks occur in the structure; which is a sign that the rendering needs repair.
Wrong application technique
Just as with anything else, the actual process of application of the render is incredibly important. Rendering process isn’t like painting, so it should not be done gently. The professionals that do the job for a living know that the render must be applied with force so that it binds perfectly to the surface of the wall it is being applied on. The use of the right machines is also necessary if the surface is large and the work to be done must be completed quickly.
How professional rendering services can help you
Professional concrete renderers usually cater to a wide audience and will therefore have a good idea of how rendering should be done, even when the surface is unusual or rough. They also will possess advanced machines that will help them in the rendering process and help them complete the job without the above mistakes. This will also significantly reduce costs from future repairs and will help other processes like painting and will help in the aesthetics of the space being rendered.
Worldwideservices has a specialized team of people that have been trained in various kinds of services, including concreting, rendering & painting. We also help in repairs in various renders be they acrylic, concrete, lime or a host of different materials. We also help replace renders without much difficulty. We also have some of the best prices in the market for our top quality services due to our customer service policy and industry standards that we choose to follow.
As one can see, there are a lot of mistakes that can happen during the process of rendering concrete, be it on walls, floors, or any other place one can think of. Professionals can help in the rendering process by careful inspection of the surface and applying the right render with the right techniques. They can do this quite efficiently, no matter how big the surface to be rendered is, and will do it quickly professionals at worldwideservices are reputed in this regard and are in both commercial and residential rendering services business. Get a quote today by contacting us with a request to render; don’t hesitate.